I'm quite proud this week that I managed to do so much that I set myself! However, it wasn't all with a positive outcome.I did manage to print up both my high and low key images, only to realise that they were BOTH soft on the eyes! So after all that they weren't really good enough to submit at all and I had therefore wasted the day printing. However, on Friday I managed to re-shoot my high-key and low-key as well as attempting 5x4 location! I think with my first attempt at medium format I had the wrong lens and therefore was unable to focus at such a close range as the second time round I found it easy and couldn't believe I could have missed their eyes before as it's so clear!
My highlight of the week was my shoot in a top hotel suite for half of my Surrealism brief. The morning started extremely unsuccesfully with all four models cancelling last minute one by one. Although I only needed one model, I tried to cover my bases by booking in four and yet this still managed to go wrong! Luckily, through an agency I often work with outside of Uni projects I managed to get hold of a potential model that needed testing and so I had her free for the day in return that I shoot her some portfolio images which I was interested in anyway so it was a great deal for me!
My housemate came along on the shoot to assist and I also had a stylist ready with an assistant who were both absolutely amazing at what they were there to do. The model, Courtnie was spoilt with hair styling and make-up as well as several changes of outfit for her portfolio along with the beautiful setting.

Next week I intend to: Develop and print my reshoot of high and low key, as well as 5x4 location. Scan my negatives for the surrealism project and make sure I get a tutorial to go over what's currently wrong or right with my work. I still havn't started planning my essay or even looked at the test on Blackboard so that will need to be tackled this week.
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